This function generates a CQL command that sets OxCal's global options.
bcad = TRUE,
convergence_data = FALSE,
curve = "intcal20.14c",
cubic = TRUE,
ensembles = 30,
floruit = FALSE,
intercept = FALSE,
k_iterations = 30,
plus_minus = FALSE,
raw_data = FALSE,
resolution = 5,
round = FALSE,
round_by = 0,
sd1 = TRUE,
sd2 = TRUE,
sd3 = FALSE,
uniform_span_prior = TRUE,
use_f14c = TRUE,
year = 1950.5,
- bcad
Logical. Whether BC/AD are used in the log file output.
- convergence_data
Logical. Whether sample convergence data is included in the output data file.
- curve
Character. The default calibration curve.
- cubic
Logical. Whether cubic (as opposed to linear) interpolation is used for calibration curves.
- ensembles
Integer. The number of age-depth ensembles stored during the analysis.
- floruit
Logical. Whether quantile ranges are calculated instead of the default highest posterior density (hpd).
- intercept
Logical. Whether the intercept method is used for radiocarbon calibration ranges.
- k_iterations
Integer. The default number of MCMC passes.
- plus_minus
Logical. Whether + and - are used in place of BC and AD in log files.
- raw_data
Logical. Whether raw calibration curve data is included in the output data file.
- resolution
Integer. The default bin size for probability distributions of Date and Interval type.
- round
Logical. Whether ranges are rounded off.
- round_by
Integer. Resolution of rounding (0 for automatic).
- sd1
Logical. Whether 68.2% (1 σ) ranges are given in the log and tab delimited files.
- sd2
Logical. Whether 95.4% (2 σ) ranges are given in the log and tab delimited files.
- sd3
Logical. Whether 99.7% (3 σ) ranges are given in the log and tab delimited files.
- uniform_span_prior
Logical. Whether the two extra prior factors suggested by Nicholls and Jones 2001 are used.
- use_f14c
Logical. Whether all calibrations take place in F14C space (rather than BP space).
- year
Numeric. The datum point for ages - the default is mid AD 1950.
- ...
Additional named arguments converted to OxCal options. See details.
Parameter descriptions and defaults are taken from the OxCal v4.4 documentation (see references).
Options not explicitly included here can be specified as additional named arguments to this function. The name must exactly match the name of the option expected by OxCal; unknown or misspelled options are silently ignored.
See also
Other CQL functions: